
Bridging Communities and Researchers

Community Scientist Training Program

In 2020, the Rutgers Cancer Institute’s Community Outreach and Education team and its Community Cancer Action Board joined together to launch the Community Scientist Training Program, which enables scientists and members of the public to unite towards a common goal: making advancements in cancer research. To date, 55 participants have graduated the training program. Please use the button below to join a future cohort.

Join the Next Cohort
Science Café

Introduced in fall of 2021, Science Cafés provide a stimulating opportunity for informative and results-oriented, two-way communication between researchers and community members. During these virtual events, researchers and community members discuss ways to increase the relevance of research studies, improve recruitment strategies to maximize inclusion and diversity, and bring research results to the community in effective ways. In 2022 and 2023, a total of 22 Science Cafés were held with more than 550 participants joining in.

Sidewalk to Science

In our Sidewalk to Science YouTube series, we talk with community members who have dedicated precious time and energy to upholding our mission of advancing cancer health equity across the state of New Jersey through community relationships, research, advocacy, community and patient navigation, and innovative education and training, with a focus on underserved populations.

Watch the Series
Our Storytelling Journey

CHECoE, in collaboration with Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) and Cancer Research Training and Education (CRTEC) at the Rutgers Cancer Institute, conducted multiple storytelling workshops facilitated by coLAB Arts. The workshops included institute staff, clinicians, members of the Cancer Institute’s Community Cancer Advisory Board, community partners, and the New Jersey community at large. Participants shared diverse stories around their individual connections to cancer. During our live show, a select group of dedicated storytellers shared their journeys of resilience, tenacity, and hope. 

Watch Stories

2022 CHECoE Conference

In June 2022, CHECoE held a two-day conference with the goal of facilitating collaborations between researchers and community members within our New Jersey catchment area.

Featuring 2 outstanding keynote presentations by Dr. Otis Brawley and Dr. Nina Wallerstein, participants of day one received CHECoE updates, flash talk presentations, breakout sessions, and interactive poster board sessions presented in a web-based platform called Gather Town.

Day 2 of this special event was an in-person Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) Workshop to enhance community engagement and partnerships facilitated by Dr. Suzanne M. Grieb.

Top-Rated Abstracts

During our full-day virtual conference, we awarded the top-rated abstracts.

Top-rated Abstract Submission by a Faculty/Staff Member

Luis Alzate-Duque, MD
Using All Teach, All Learn Model and Multidisciplinary Approaches to ProvideEducation on Health Equity, Social Justice and Vulnerable Populations

Racquel “Kelly” Kohler, PhD, MSPH
HPV Vaccine Hesitancy in Racially and Ethnically Diverse Communities with Low Vaccination Uptake

Top-rated Abstract Submission by a Student or Resident

Daniel Arroyo, MS, Medical Student, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School
: Exploring Functional, Communicative & Critical Health Literacy on COVID-19 Related Information in Essex County

Advancing the Conversation

During 2022, CHECoE welcomed these Distinguished Lecturers.

Disparities in Colorectal and Prostate Cancer Among Hispanics

Mariana C. Stern, Ph.D.

Professor of Population and Public Health Sciences & Urology, Ira Goodman Chair in Cancer Research, Associate Director of Population Sciences, Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, Program Director, Master degree programs in Epidemiology, Program Director, CaRE2 Health Equity Center.

Outreach 1

Achieving Equity in Breast Cancer Outcomes for African American Women: Windows of Opportunity

Vanessa B. Sheppard, PhD

Professor, Chair, Theresa A. Thomas Memorial Chair in Cancer Prevention and Control, Associate Director, Community Outreach Engagement and Health Disparities, Massey Cancer Center, Department Chair, Professor, Department of Health Behavior and Policy.

Outreach 2

Studying Structural and Social Determinants of Health in Cancer Health Inequities

Scarlett Lin Gomez, MPH, PhD

Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, Director, Greater Bay Area Cancer Registry (GBACR), University of California, San Francisco.

Outreach 3

Life After Cancer: Helping Latinos on the Journey of Survivorship

Amelie G. Ramirez, PhD

Chair, Department of Population Health Sciences, Director, Institute for Health Promotion Research, Associate Director, Mays Cancer Center, Community Outreach and Engagement, Dielmann Chair in Health Disparities Research & Community Outreach, Max and Minnie Tomerlin Voelcker Endowed Chair in Cancer Health Care Disparities, Professor of Epidemiology & Biostatistics Institute for Health Promotion Research.

Outreach 4
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Researcher Spotlight: Cancer Health Equity Pilot Award Recipients

CHECoE provides funding for ongoing and new research in the broad arena of addressing cancer disparities and advancing health equity. Researchers who have not previously worked in, but whose research could be applied to, cancer health equities and the catchment area of New Jersey are strongly encouraged to apply. Cancer health equities include race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, or problems unique to New Jersey. Recently, CHECoE has awarded the following Pilot Awards:


PI: Jian Cao, Ph.D.
High risk HPVs contribute to HIV+ lung cancer and its racial disparities

PI: Sara Heinert, M.D.
An Assessment of Needs for Cancer Screening Education in a Diverse Emergency Department

PI: Jaya Satagopan, Ph.D.
Cancer Analytics and South Asian Health – Breast Cancer (CASH-BC) Study

PI: Michael Steinberg, M.D.
Physician survey of knowledge, beliefs, and practices regarding lung cancer screening


PI: Jaya Satagopan, Ph.D.
Implementing and evaluating recruitment and data collection strategies for the "Cancer Analytics and South Asian Health – Breast Cancer (CANSAH-BC) Pilot Study

Funding for Research

Scientists and researchers interested in health equity-based funding opportunities are encouraged to become a member of the CHECoE by applying here. CHECoE is committed to providing information regarding current and upcoming funding opportunities to its members. In addition to joining our email list as a member of CHECoE, you will be eligible to apply for internal funding when available.

View Funding Opportunities