De Laboratory - Career Opportunities

Postdoctoral Opportunity – Genome Informatics and
Precision Medicine

A postdoc position in genome informatics and precision medicine is available for a highly motivated and independent candidate in the group of Subhajyoti De at Rutgers Cancer Institute.

The candidate in the group of Dr. De will be involved in the precision medicine in cancer initiative at Rutgers, and in this role will develop and apply computational genomics and bioinformatics tools, primarily based on next generation sequencing data for better diagnosis, stratification, and treatment of cancer. Our group has particular interest in dissecting tumor heterogeneity, single cell genomics, genomic instability, and tumor systems biology, and the candidate is expected to contribute in one or more of these areas. There will be opportunities to work in an interdisciplinary team both in clinical and research settings on a variety of high impact, cutting edge projects.

An ideal candidate is expected to have PhD in Biostatistics, Computational Biology, Computer Science or related areas, and demonstrate evidence of proficiency in one or more of the modern programming languages (e.g. R, Perl, C++, Java, Python etc.). Knowledge and experience of UNIX / LINUX on an advanced level is required. The individual must have effective communication, team working, problem solving skills, and adaptability to changes in technological and scientific directions.

To apply, please email a CV (including publications and contact details of at least three references) and a cover letter stating goals to Dr. Subhajyoti De (email: subhajyoti <d0t> de "at" rutgers <d0t> edu or, alternately, sd948 "at" scarletmail <d0t> rutgers <d0t> edu). Salary will be commensurate with experience. Rutgers Cancer Institute offers an excellent salary, benefits package, and also opportunities for career development.