Zhaohui Feng, PhD

Zhaohui Feng, PhDZhaohui Feng, PhD, is a tenured Professor in the Department of Radiation Oncology of Rutgers Cancer Institute at Rutgers University.  Dr. Feng received his MD and PhD from Zhejiang University School of Medicine. Dr. Feng completed his postdoctoral training in NYU Medical School focusing on DNA damage and repair before he moved to the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey continuing his postdoctoral training with Dr. Arnold Levine focusing on tumor suppressor p53. 

Since 2008, Dr. Feng has been a faculty member at Rutgers Cancer Institute. A major research interest of Dr. Feng’s group is to study the function and mechanism of tumor suppressor p53.  His group discovered that p53 regulates metabolism through regulation of AKT/mTOR signaling pathways, and p53 target genes, such as GLS2, Parkin and RRAD.  His group identified new mechanisms and regulators for p53 regulation, including miR504, TRIM32, and LIF.  His group's work also made important contributions toward understand the mechanisms underlying mutant p53 gain of oncogenic activity in tumors, including promoting glycolysis through activation of RhoA/Rock signaling. In addition, Dr. Feng studies the role and mechanism of metabolic reprogramming in cancer and how metabolic reprogramming in cancer can be targeted for therapy. The research conducted in Dr. Feng's laboratory has been supported by NIH and the NJ Commission on Cancer Research (NJCCR).