Devine Program Publications

  1. Viola AS, Kwok G, Levonyan-Radloff K, Manne SL, Noll RB, Phipps S, Sahler OJZ, Devine, KA. Feasibility and acceptability of Bright IDEAS-Young Adults: A problem-solving skills training intervention. Cancers, 14(13), 3124, 2022. PMCID: PMC9264826
  2. Viola AS, Levonyan-Radloff K, Masterson M, Manne SL, Hudson SV, Devine KA. Development of a self-management and peer-mentoring intervention to improve transition readiness among young adult survivors of pediatric cancer: Formative qualitative research study. JMIR formative research. 2022; 6(8):e36323. PMCID: PMC9386586
  3. Devine KA, Viola A, Levonyan-Radloff K, Mackowski N, Bozzini B, Chandler A, Xu B, Ohman-Strickland P, Mayans S, Farrar-Anton A, Sahler OJZ, Masterson M, Manne SL, Arent SM. Feasibility of FitSurvivor: a technology-enhanced group-based fitness intervention for adolescent and young adult survivors of childhood cancer. Pediatr Blood Cancer, 2020; e28530. PMID: 32589339
  4. Devine, K. A., Salome, C., Mulder, R., Brown, M., Ingerski, L., Mader, L., Potter, E., Sleurs, C., Viola, A., Waern, S., Constine, L., Hudson, M., Kremer, L. C. M., Skinner, R., Michel, G., Gilleland Marchak, J., & Schulte, F. Recommendations for the Surveillance of Education and Employment Outcomes in Survivors of Childhood, Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer: A Report from the International Late Effects of Childhood Cancer Guideline Harmonization Group. Cancer, 2022.

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