Survivorship Wellness Lecture Series

The Cancer Survivorship Wellness Program at Rutgers Cancer Institute is dedicated to easing the burden of cancer and improving the prevention, detection, treatment, care of cancer survivors. Our Wellness Lecture Series is intended to provide resources to cancer survivors on many different topics such as physical activity, nutrition, well-being and more. 

Upcoming Speakers

Joan Hogan

3/6/25 - 12:00-1:00pm

Joan Hogan, DSW, LCSW, OSW-C

Topic: Creating Calm & Stability in Liminal Spaces

Location: In person at 195 Little Albany Street New Brunswick, NJ 08901 - Auditorium A and virtual via Zoom

If you plan to attend this event in person, please use this link below to register:

In-Person Resgistration

If you plan to attend this event virtually via zoom, please use this link below to register:

Zoom Registration

Caitlyn Mitchell

4/9/25 - 5:30-6:30pm

Caitlyn Mitchell, MS, RDN

Topic: Proper Nutrition

Location: Virtual, zia zoom

Please Register

Joan Hogan

5/7/25 - 12:00-1:00pm

Monica Gilles, MAS, RRT, NCTTP

Location: Virtual, zia zoom

Please Register

Danielle Velez, MD

5/21/25 - 5:30-6:30pm

Danielle Velez, MD

Topic: Onco-Fertility

Location: Virtual, zia zoom

Please Register

Recorded Events