Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. To whom do I make my checks payable, and where do I send them?

Make checks payable to: RUF-CINJ and mail to:

Rutgers University Foundation - CINJ
PO Box 193
New Brunswick, NJ 08903-0193

2. Does Rutgers Cancer Institute have fundraising events I can attend or support by volunteering?

Yes! Many of our loyal supporters host events to benefit Rutgers Cancer Institute. For questions, contact

3. Can I fundraise on behalf of Rutgers Cancer Institute?

Yes! Our supporters are our best advocates! To start a personal fundraising campaign page, click here. Or, to host a fundraising event, contact  

4. My loved one has recently passed away, I would like to direct gift to Rutgers Cancer Institute on their behalf; what do I need to know?

To direct donations to Rutgers Cancer Institute in memory of your loved one, visit our honor/remember page.

5. If I am a patient of Rutgers Cancer Institute, how do I support its work?

To learn more about how to give back, visit Ways to Give.

6. I’d like to deliver toys or care kit donations to Rutgers Cancer Institute, what can I bring?

While we are grateful for your generosity in collecting items to donate to our patients, such as toys, books, or care kits, click here for our policy before your collection begins. Contact to arrange for delivery to Rutgers Cancer Institute. 

7. I misplaced my donation tax receipt, how can I get another copy?

For a copy of your donor tax receipt, please call 848-932-8514 or email

8. How do I contact Rutgers Cancer Institute’s Development Office?

Please email for more information or call 848-932-8013.

9. Why am I seeing Rutgers University affiliations and logos?

Rutgers Cancer Institute is affiliated with Rutgers University as part of Rutgers Health, the most comprehensive academic health care provider organization in New Jersey. 

Donations to Rutgers Cancer Institute flow through Rutgers University Foundation, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization whose sole mission is to support the Rutgers Community.