How We Learn About Our Communities
What is Community?
Community can be defined by geography, political boundaries, or other characteristics. For example, New Jersey has 565 municipalities, but because we are the 4th most racially and ethnically diverse and the most densely populated state, each of our municipalities is made up of many distinct communities. These communities consist of groups of people who share characteristics such as culture, goals, shared ideas, or passion to a cause. Each of our communities perceives successes, needs, and solutions to problems through their own lens. Because of the uniqueness of different New Jersey communities, we understand that what works in one community may not work in another.
Thus, we embrace a one size does not fit all approach. That is why community partnerships and ongoing community engagements are so important. Together with communities, Rutgers Cancer Institute conducts interventions together to address biological (e.g., genetic), environmental, access, social, and behavioral factors that contribute to cancer incidence, morbidity, mortality, and health inequities. These actions are tailored for communities so that translating and disseminating health practices and policies are designed to reach and impact the members of all of New Jersey’s diverse communities.
Catchment Survey
Rutgers Cancer Institute is focused on providing exceptional cancer care to all of the people in New Jersey. To do this we need to understand demographic factors such as the age, race and sex of New Jersey residents, their health status, and their ability to get health care including cancer screenings. We also need to know what information gaps exist especially about cancer risk and cancer research. Therefore, we are conducting a survey by phone to people all across the state to gather this information so that our future efforts to provide exceptional care are meeting the needs of all New Jersey residents.
What We Know

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Cancer Fact Sheets

New Jersey State Cancer Registry

New Jersey State Health Assessment Data

Behavioral Risk Factor Survey (NJBRFS)

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