Cancer Health Equity Team



Anita Kinney headshot
Anita Kinney, PhD, RN, FAAN, FABMR
Director, Cancer Health Equity Center of Excellence,
Rutgers Cancer Institute;
Director, ScreenNJ
Sarah Scharf headshot
Sarah J. Scharf, DrPH, MPH
Executive Director,
Cancer Health Equity Center of Excellence,
Rutgers Cancer Institute;
Deputy Director, ScreenNJ


Antoinette Stroup headshot
Antoinette (Nan) Stroup, PhD
Assistant Director, Catchment Area Surveillance & Research
Mariam Eskander headshot
Mariam F. Eskander, MD, MPH
Assistant Director, Clinical Affairs

Program Administration


Tamara Horn headshot
Tamara Horn, BA
Program Manager
Lofton headshot
Theresa Lofton
Program Coordinator
Jasmine Bagner in suit
Jasmine Bagner, BA
Staff Assistant
Etienne headshot
Nicole Etienne
Marketing & Communications Specialist
Rears headshot
Monica K. Rears, BA
Financial Analyst


Community Partner Coordination and Assistance


Yvette Green headshot
Quianna (Yvette) Green, M.A., M.Ed.
Community Service Coordinator
generic headshot
Program Coordinator
generic headshot
Program Manager

Community Outreach and Education


Indoe headshot
Ellen Pagan Indoe, MA, MCHES
Program Director
Wilson headshot
Lorian Wilson
Events & Materials Coordinator
Gilles headshot
Monica J. Gilles, MAS, RRT, NCTTP
Tobacco Cessation Counselor
Fuertes headshot
Evelyn Fuertes, BA, NDTR
Community Outreach Coordinator
Gomez headshot
Cecilia Gomez, BS
Community Cancer Control Specialist
Moulton headshot
Ryan Moulton, BS
Community Cancer Control Specialist
generic headshot
Lauren Johnson, CHES
Community Cancer Control Specialist
generic headshot
Sara Mehta
Community Cancer Control Specialist

Cancer Prevention and Care Navigation


Townsend headshot
Monica Townsend, MPA, BS
Program Director
Lituma headshot
Julissa Lituma, MSW
Statewide Community Patient Navigator
generic headshot
Community Program Specialist


Patient Navigation - Northern Region

<Maisel headshot
Masiel Guzman, M.A.B.S.
Senior Care Coordinator - Northern Region
Brown headshot
Erika Brown, BS


Patient Navigation - Central Region

Oduro headshot
Aissa Oduro, MPH, RN
Senior Care Coordinator - Central Region
Headshot of Binu Jacob, MS, LAC, NCC
Binu Rachel Jacob, MS, LAC, NCC


Patient Navigation - Southern Region

Howard headshot
Tiara Howard, MSSW, BA, SIFI
Senior Care Coordinator - Southern Region
Cerreto headshot
Patricia Cerreto
Toro headshot
Ana Toro, BASW


Mobile Health Unit Team


Gyan headshot
Kenneth A. Gyan, MSN, APRN, FNP-C
Mobile Health Unit Advanced Practice Nurse
Olk headshot
Michelle Olk, CMA
Medical Assistant and Community Patient Navigator
Richard Burdett in blue shirt
Richard Burdett
Mobile Health Unit Driver

Catchment Area Surveillance & Research Support


Oduro headshot
Daniel Pearson, MA
Catchment Area Surveillance Data Manager
Baegra headshot
Ricardo Baerga
Data Control
generic headshot
Raven Profit
Program Evaluation Specialist
generic headshot
Research Scientist
generic headshot
Catchment Area Research Specialist