Rutgers Youth Enjoy Science Research Poster Symposium
In August 2022, high school science teachers, high school, and undergraduate student participants prepared a scientific poster and presentation describing the hands-on mentored cancer research they conducted at the Rutgers Cancer Institute during summer.
Rutgers Youth Enjoy Science Program (RUYES) Trainee Mentored by Dr. Angela Fong
Gabriella Gonzalez conducted research under the mentorship of Dr. Angela Fong in the summer of 2022 at Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey as a participant in the Rutgers Youth Enjoy Science (RUYES) program. The main area of focus was to qualitatively study the experiences of breast cancer survivors who participated in a physical activity program.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month at Bard High School Early College
Maria Agapito, PhD, is a Decoding Cancer Trained Teacher and Rutgers Youth Enjoy Science (RUYES) participant. In recognition of October 2021’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Dr. Agapito planned a series of fun, educational, and meaningful events for her students at Bard High School Early College in Newark, NJ.
Teaching High School Students about Clinical Trials
Stacey McKoy of Innovation High School in Jersey City shares her experience working with Community Nurse Navigator Michelle Ashley of Rutgers Cancer Institute and Clinical Research Coordinator Davina Hobson of Jersey City Medical Center on a virtual presentation on Clinical Trials and the Research Process for her Bioethics class.
Learning Remote Research Skills during the Age of COVID-19
Emily Zhivotovski, student at Rutgers University Honors College, describes her experiences with the program and what she learned during her time with her mentor, Dr. Manne.
Creating Modules for Public Health Cancer Education for Middle School Students
Caitlyn Ramdat, student at High Tech High School in Hudson County, describes her experiences with the program.
RUYES Community Outreach at Linden High School
Rutgers Youth Enjoy Science Program (RUYES) participant, Mrs. Pramila Natarajan, a teacher at Linden High School organized an outreach event for students at her high school.