Rutgers Cancer Institute's Shared Resources (SRs) offer scientific expertise, shared instrumentation, and software-enabled services that span the continuum between basic and clinical research. Informed by our Director's vision, the expertise of our leaders, and member responses to service development surveys, Rutgers Cancer Institute has invested extensively in the immunotherapy-related personnel and instrumentation (IMFC SR), the development of services that use novel models to understand and treat cancer (see GESR and developing ODSR), and the expansion of translational services related to the management of cancer prevention and outcomes data research (CPODS SR). We provide the following resources to foster and support basic, clinical, and translational cancer research:
- Biomedical Informatics
- Biospecimen Repository and Histopathology Service
- Biostatistics
- Cancer Prevention and Outcomes Data Support
- Comprehensive Genomics
- Genome Editing
- Immune Monitoring and Flow Cytometry
- Metabolomics
- Organoid Development
Cancer Center members may be eligible for priority access and rate subsidies for shared resources supported by the Cancer Center Support Grant (P30CA072720) from the National Cancer Institute.
Referencing Support Grant and Shared Resources
Use of Rutgers Cancer Institute Shared Resources requires co-authorship for all Rutgers Cancer Institute personnel who contributed to the scientific development of the published project, particularly as it relates to project design, assay and method development, and statistical and bioinformatics support.
Rutgers Cancer Institute SRs are led by faculty with outstanding expertise and scientific know-how. SR Management encourages the support of cancer-focused proposals, given that appropriate grant support is provided at the time of the award.
Shared Resources Administration
Daniel Herranz Benito, PharmD, PhD
Associate Director
Ioannis Stasinopoulos, PhD
Assistant Director
Janet Bandoy
Senior Project Management Analyst
Kat Demarco, MPH
Senior Project Management Analyst
Alicia LeRoy
Support Specialist
SR Management currently receives member feedback using the following mechanisms:
- Direct email to Ioannis Stasinopoulos
- Annual Satisfaction Survey for all members and users running at the beginning of each calendar year
- Participation in the annual SR Advisory Committee meeting (for heavy users)
- Communications through SR Directors and Program Leaders
To further improve customer satisfaction, SRM will implement project satisfaction surveys available at the time of the project completion within 2023.