Study Protocol Cancer in Pregnancy (CIP-study)
To record the incidence, diagnosis and treatment of cancer during pregnancy and maternal (obstetrical and oncological) and fetal outcome after maternal cancer during pregnancy with long term follow-up of both mother and child.
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
- RWJBarnabas Health
- Newark Beth Israel Medical Center
- Rutgers University
Patients do not need to participate in both; however, preferentially both study parts should be performed. **************Part I: Pregnancy, delivery and maternal health************** Patients must meet the following inclusion criteria: - Histologically proven cancer in association with a pregnancy (during pregnancy or cancer dagnosis within 5 years after pregnancy) - > 18 years of age, premenopausal - Patients who have given their signed and written informed consent to participate in the trial after fully understanding the implication of the protocol - Women receiving any cytotoxic drug or radiation therapy during pregnancy are allowed for the assessment of the maternal and fetal outcome (Part II). Exclusion Criteria: - Mentally disabled or significantly altered mental status that would prohibit the understanding and giving of informed consent **************Part II: Follow-up of children************** Inclusion Criteria: - Children that were prenatally exposed to cancer of cancer treament. Informed Consent is asked from parents. From the age of 12 years, informed assent is additionally asked from the child. After the age of 18 years, informed consent is solely asked of the offspring. Exclusion Criteria: - Mentally disabled or significantly altered mental status that would prohibit the understanding and giving of informed consent
Please note that we have obtained the inclusion and exclusion criteria information from the National Institutes of Health’s clinical trials web site The listed criteria may not necessarily reflect recent amendments to the protocol and the current criteria.
For further information about clinical trials, please contact us at 732-235-7356.