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Palbociclib and Binimetinib in RAS-Mutant Cancers

The primary objective of this trial is to determine whether palbociclib and binimetinib combination therapy improves Progression Free Survival (PFS) compared to binimetinib alone in patients with MEKinhibitor naive LGSOC harboring MAP kinase activation (KRAS/NRAS, non BRAF V600E mutation).

Protocol Number: 172403
Phase: Phase II
Applicable Disease Sites: Any Site
Drugs Involved: Binimetinib
Principal Investigator: Shridar Ganesan MD, PhD
Scope: National
Therapies Involved: Chemotherapy single agent systemic
Chemotherapy multiple agents systemic
Participating Institutions:
  • Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey
Inclusion & Exclusion Criteria

Please note that we have obtained the inclusion and exclusion criteria information from the National Institutes of Health’s clinical trials web site The listed criteria may not necessarily reflect recent amendments to the protocol and the current criteria.

For further information about clinical trials, please contact us at 732-235-7356.