Cancer Survivorship - Adult

American Cancer Society: Cancer Survivors Network or Survivorship During and After Treatment - The American Cancer Society is the nationwide community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem.

American Cancer Society: Nutrition and Physical Activity During and After Cancer Treatment - The questions and answers listed here try to address some common concerns that cancer survivors have about diet and physical activity.

American Institute for Cancer Research: Cancer Survival - Since its founding in 1982, the American Institute for Cancer Research has grown into the nation's leading charity in the field of diet, nutrition and cancer. Here you will find nutrition guidelines, dietary tips and exercise tips.

Cancer Survival Toolbox - The Cancer Survival Toolbox® is a free audio program designed to help cancer survivors and caregivers develop practical skills to deal with the diagnosis, treatment and challenges of cancer.
Also in Spanish.

CancerAndCareers - This is a resource for working women with cancer.
Also in Spanish.

CancerCare - CancerCare is a national nonprofit organization that provides free, professional support services to anyone affected by cancer.
Also in Spanish.

Conquer: Survivorship - CONQUER magazine features articles written by and for patients with cancer, survivors, nurse navigators, and other oncology team members.

Livestrong - Livestrong provides the practical information and tools people living with cancer need to live strong.

Livestrong at the YMCA - In 2007, LIVESTRONG and the YMCA joined forces to create LIVESTRONG at the YMCA, a program to support people affected by cancer reach their health and well-being goals.

MayoClinic: Cancer Survivors, Care for Your Body After Treatment - Informative article on what you can do to improve your well-being and quality of life after treatment. Links to additional survivorship articles are included.

The National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship - The National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship is the oldest survivor-led cancer advocacy organization in the country. This site provides an online comprehensive guide to living with cancer as well as numerous publications that you can order. Specific topics include:

National Cancer Institute: Cancer Survivorship - The mission of the Office of Cancer Survivorship is to enhance the quality and length of survival of all persons diagnosed with cancer and to minimize or stabilize adverse effects experienced during cancer survivorship. From this website, you'll find links to information on follow-up medical care, late effects of treatment, and general health and well-being.

National Cancer Institute: Facing Forward Series: Life After Cancer Treatment - The information in this document is designed mainly for cancer survivors who have recently completed their cancer treatment, but you may find the information helpful even if you were treated a long time ago.
You may also be interested in the following:

National Cancer Survivors Day - National Cancer Survivors Day is held annually in hundreds of communities throughout the world on the first Sunday in June. It is a symbolic event to demonstrate that life after a cancer diagnosis can be a reality.

Oncolink: Oncolife Survivorship Care Plan - A personalized plan of care is developed based on information you enter on a questionnaire.

The Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults - This site was created by a young cancer survivor in order to provide a support network for other young adults.

The Tobacco Dependence Program - The Tobacco Dependence Program will give you the tools you need to help quit smoking.

Cancer Support Community - The Cancer Support Community is an international non-profit organization dedicated to providing education and resources to people affected by cancer. 


Interactive Tutorials / Videos

Cancer Survivorship 101 - Livestrong's video on survivorship guides you through the mental and physical challenges you may experience post-treatment.

National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship - This YouTube channel from the NCCS is dedicated to the issue of life after cancer.

YouTube Playlist: Survivorship - A playlist of videos curated by the Resource and Learning Center including survivor stories and information on survivorship.


April 2024