Cancer Survivorship - Child/Young Adult

American Cancer Society: Cancer Survivors Network - The American Cancer Society is the nationwide community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem. The Cancer Survivors Network is a community of cancer survivors, families and friends who have been touched by cancer.

American Childhood Cancer Organization - This foundation's mission is to provide information and awareness for children and adolescents with cancer and their families, to advocate for their needs, and to support research so every child survives and leads a long and healthy life.

Camp Mak-A-Dream - Camp Mak-A-Dream is a cost-free camp in Montana for children (ages 6-14), teens (ages 15-18) and young adults (age 18-30) with cancer. They also offer a camp for siblings (ages 6-17) who have a brother or sister with cancer.

CancerCare - CancerCare is a national nonprofit organization that provides free, professional support services to anyone affected by cancer.

Cancer Support Community - This is an international non-profit organization dedicated to providing free support, education and hope to people with cancer and their loved ones.

Childrens Oncology Group: Patients and Families - This website provides reliable information to guide you throughout all phases of the childhood cancer experience. Whether you are learning about a new diagnosis,  currently receiving treatment, or in follow-up care.

Friends Health Connection - Offers educational programs as well as a worldwide support network that links individuals with the same health problems on a customized, one-to-one basis for mutual support.

LITE Program - The LITE program, at The Cancer Institute of New Jersey, provides long-term evaluation, support, and health education for the growing population of childhood cancer survivors.

Livestrong - Livestrong provides support services to survivors.

The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society - The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) is the world's largest voluntary health organization dedicated to funding blood cancer research, education and patient services.

The National Children's Cancer Society - The mission of the NCCS is to help childhood cancer survivors integrate the cancer experience into their new life as survivors and successfully handle the challenges that are ahead of them and to celebrate survivorship. This site provides valuable information on the late effects of treatment as well as information on general survivorship issues.

The SAMFund - The SAMFund is a unique non-profit organization created to assist
young adult survivors of cancer with a successful transition into their post-treatment life, by providing financial support through the distribution of grants and scholarships.

Stupid Cancer - This is a resource portal for young people with cancer.

The Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults - This site was created by a young cancer survivor in order to provide a support network for other young adults.

Young Survival Coalition - Young Survival Coalition (YSC) strengthens the community, addresses the unique needs, amplifies the voice and improves the quality of life of young adults affected by breast cancer, locally, nationally and internationally.


April 2024