Colon and Rectal Cancer

American Cancer Society: Colorectal Cancer - The American Cancer Society is the nationwide community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem.
Also in Spanish.

American Institute for Cancer Research: Colorectal Cancer - Here you will find AICR’s latest report on colorectal cancer.

CDC: Colorectal (Colon) Cancer - This government site provides an overview of colorectal cancer.
Also in Spanish.

Colon Cancer Coalition - The mission of the Colon Cancer Coalition is to empower local communities to promote prevention and early detection of colon cancer, and to provide support to those affected.

Colorectal Cancer Alliance - The Colorectal Cancer Alliance brings the voice of survivors to battle colorectal cancer through patient support, education, research and advocacy. Colorectal cancer information, a comprehensive glossary and patient support resources will be found here.

Fight Colorectal Cancer - This organization aims to provide balanced and objective information on colon and rectal cancer research, treatment, and policy.

Macmillan Cancer Support: Bowel Cancer - This UK based organization helps with all the things that people affected by cancer want and need. Here you’ll find information on the diagnosis and treatment of colon or rectal cancer.

Mayo Clinic: Colon Cancer - This site provides access to the experience and knowledge of the more than 2,000 physicians and scientists of Mayo Clinic.

MedlinePlus: Colorectal Cancer - Developed by the National Library of Medicine, this consumer health site directs the user to selected online resources on many common diseases, conditions, and concerns.
Also in Spanish.

National Cancer Institute: Colorectal Cancer - This government site will provide you with information on treatment, clinical trials and research.
Also in Spanish.

National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN): Colon Cancer - NCCN resources aim to assist patients and their caregivers with overcoming the challenges related to cancer. 

OncoLink: Colon Cancer OR Rectal Cancer- OncoLink was founded in 1994 by Penn cancer specialists with a mission to help cancer patients, families, healthcare professionals and the general public get accurate cancer-related information at no charge. Find out about risk and prevention, screening, and treatment options at this site.
Also in Spanish.


Interactive Tutorials / Videos

American College of Gastroenterology: Podcasts and Videos - A number of podcasts and videos on screening and risk factors can be found here.

Cleveland Clinic: 6 Warning Signs of Colon Cancer - Learn the possible symptoms related to colon cancer.

Colorectal Cancer - This video is a part of the National Cancer Institute's Did You Know? video series.

Colorectal Cancer Risk Assessment Tool - The National Cancer Institute provides this interactive tool to help determine your risk for developing colorectal cancer.

Siteman Cancer Center: Your Disease Risk - This interactive tool estimates your risk of cancer and provides personalized tips for prevention. Simply choose colon cancer from the menu and answer some questions to find out your risk.


December 2024