Researcher Directory

Academic Appointment

Department of Environmental and Occupational Health
School of Public Health
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey


Research Interests

  • Multiscale Simulation of Environmental and Biological Systems and Interactions: 1) Mathematical modeling of multimedia transport, fate and uptake of environmental pollutants - photochemical oxidants, air toxics, pesticides, solvents, heavy metals, nanomaterials, spores and pollens 2) Physiologically-based pharmacokinetics, inhalation, ingestion and dermal absorption 3) Mechanistic pharmacodynamics 4) Virtual tissues 5) Computational systems toxicology and toxicogenomics
  • Enviroinformatics and the Exposome: 1) Spatiotemporal data mining and analysis 2) Geographic information and database management systems 3) Multiroute/multipathway modeling of human exposures to chemical, radiological and biological agents 4) Climatic change impacts on environmental quality and human exposure and health 5) Environmental cheminformatics and bioinformatics
  • Risk Analysis for Environmental and Occupational Health: 1) Uncertainty characterization and analysis 2) Diagnostic and prognostic risk assessment for exposures to carcinogens, neurotoxicants, allergens, irritants, endocrine disruptors 3) Indiviudal and population based simulation modeling

The content for the Researcher Directory is maintained by Gina Londino-Greenberg (