Patient Support Services

Dr. Toppmeyer and patient We Are Here to Help

Cancer care at Rutgers Cancer Institute extends beyond state-of-the-art treatments. We offer a broad range of wellness and support services for patients and families coping with the challenges of diagnosis, treatment, and recovery. For more information or to make an appointment call

Our support services include:

Social Work Services

The Social Work Department helps you navigate  unexpected and difficult challenges of receiving a cancer diagnosis. Our licensed social workers are skilled in locating resources and providing support for patients, families, and caregivers in a variety of areas including:

  • Individual and family counseling
  • Emotional support 
  • Treatment decisions
  • Advanced directives

Support Groups

Support groups provide a safe space for people affected by cancer to connect with and share their experiences and emotions with other people affected by cancer. Participants learn more about treatment options, coping skills, stress management, and community resources. All of our support groups are facilitated by licensed social workers, registered nurses, and other professionals.  

Resources for Cancer Caregivers

A caregiver is any person who supports a patient during treatment. Being a caregiver to a person with cancer comes with a set of challenges. While concerned with a loved one’s physical and emotional health and needs, caregivers are likely balancing this responsibly with their own obligations such as family and work.  

Education Programs

Our experts provide a comprehensive education program for patients and caregivers. Classes include adult treatment patient orientation, bone marrow transplant orientation, and pre-operative preparation for radiation oncology. Crossroads4Hope works with community partners and professionals to provide monthly health and wellness educational workshops. 

Janet Lasin standing in the libraryResource and Learning Center

The Resource and Learning Center at Rutgers Cancer Institute provides patients and families with reliable, current news and information that covers all aspects of cancer and cancer treatment. The center is staffed by a full-time medical librarian and is open to the public. 

Cancer Wellness Program

The Cancer Wellness Program at Robert Wood Johnson Fitness and Wellness Center provides supervised exercise, education, and support based on each patient’s cancer diagnosis and treatment. The program consists of 16 one-hour sessions over 8 weeks. For additional more information call

illustration of human lungs made of smokeTobacco Dependence Program

The Tobacco Dependence Program at the Rutgers Center for Tobacco Studies is partially supported by Rutgers Cancer Institute. Our team of experts are highly experienced in the field of tobacco cessation, and provide expert advice,  guidance, and support to those who want to stop smoking and using all forms of tobacco. This program and is free and open to the public.   


Having concerns with transportation access? Our Community Outreach and Engagement team has compiled a listing of transportation resources and services. 

Transportation Guide (PDF)